Hey there! This is Carol Matz. I wrote this piano course so that you could have fun while learning piano. Instead of having a workbook, you get to do all kinds of activities on a computer or iPad®!
No grades, and no failing! In school, you get enough tests and grades, right? This is different. Each activity lets you know what you got right or wrong. After you finish, you can hit “Reset Quiz” and do the activity over again, if you want. Just like with a video game, you can try to beat your own high score.
So, how does this work? You’ll have a Lesson Book that has 10 units. When you finish a unit, your teacher will have you do the online activities for that unit. You can do the activities at home. You don’t need to be near a piano… you can even sit on the sofa with your iPad® or a laptop!
How do I do the activities? Once you pick a unit, you’ll see a page that has 6 activities. This is called your Unit Dashboard. Do each of the activities on the Unit Dashboard.
On some activities, you’ll click “Next” to move on to each new question. When you’re finished, click “Complete Quiz” and then use the “Next” button to scroll through and see what you got right and wrong (a green check = correct, a red X = incorrect).
When you’re finished, click “Return to Unit Dashboard” (on the bottom left), and you can see your scores next to the activity names. (“3/4” means you got 3 right out of 4 total, etc.) You can always go back and do any activity again to get a higher score, or just for fun!
What if I need some help? Funny you should ask… each page has a link at the top called “I Need Some Help!” and a help emoji at the bottom. These will take you to a page that has all the information you need to do the activities on your own. If you get stuck, don’t worry… you can go over everything with your teacher later.
Anything else? You’ll also have some extra songs to print and play (someone at home can help you with this, if you need help printing PDFs). There are even music files (mp3s) that you can download and play along with.
That’s it… have fun!
Carol Matz

Me and my niece at Zoo Miami
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