Level 1A of Carol Matz’s Interactive Piano Method® is designed to motivate beginner students with an engaging, kid-friendly lesson book, fun online theory games and activities, and even ear training (yes, at the beginner level)!
Written for “Early Elementary” piano students, the musical concepts learned in Level 1A include:
- Note values: quarter, half, dotted half, whole
- Rests: quarter, half, whole
- Dynamics: p, mp, mf, f
- Notes on the staff from Bass C to Treble G
- Elements of the grand staff
- Step, skip, repeated notes, octave, ties
Check out our virtual samplers!
Listen to recordings of Lesson Book pieces with teacher duets, while following the score!
- 1A Virtual Sampler
Online Activities:
PDF Downloads:
Level 1A includes fun Activity Sheets and Performance Pieces.